Kiss on the lips

Kiss good morning. Kiss good bye. Kiss good night. Kiss without reason why. I forgot to bring my lip gloss with me the other day. I was out walking the cold streets of Berlin with a friend. My lips got dry- the perfect excuse for bying a new gloss, I thought. After trying, smelling and smacking at some German version of Sephora, I fould my soul mate. Estée Luders High Gloss Ultra brilliant, Jewel. It smells like a warm cup of tea with honey and it kind of comforts me. I can't wait for February to end so I can ware this in spring and summer (... with a thin summer dress on and the warm wind blowing in my hair). It works well in winter too though. It's not sticky, just glossy, soft and silky. I am not a fan of too sticky. This one's perfect. And the colour is really classy, I can imagine it suits anyone. It's not too expensive either. It's 15 ml so it'll last too, if I don't loose it, knock on wood. I don't really need kisses with this one on. It's kiss enough. Stir it up!


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